Our infrastructures are built to guarantees high security levels, maximizing the staking rewards.

Cloud Datacenter:
Amazon AWS
Google Cloud
Private Datacenter
Front-end Firewall
Back-end Firewall
DDoS protection
Hardening Server Security
Low latency with High Performance VPN
All our Core nodes are located in Private Datacenter:
Tier III and IV Datacenter
All levels of redundancy
AS Carrier/ISP
Front-end Firewall
Full Layer7 inspection
DDoS protection
Back-end Firewall
Hardening Server Security
Low latency with High Performance VPN
No incoming connections
KMS/HSM hardware
Datacenter, Hardware and Virtual Machine are monitored and alarmed
Blockchain monitoring systems such as "out of sync" and missing signatures
Hourly reports
Real-time alarms
24/7 monitoring

The Discord Validator Status Bot is used in more than 30 Discord's channels.
Running on its own nodes, the Discord's Validator Status Bot notifies in a dedicated channel validators informations and governance proposals.
Among the main features:
3 alert levels (missed blocks >2.5%, >10%, >50%)
Change status to active/jailed/inactive
Change moniker to match previous name
Change commission
Voting power
New proposals, deposit/voting period, passed/rejected
Multiple user tag customizations
State of the consensus of the chains with height/round/step, online, hash and detailed pre-votes/pre-commits for each validator in the active set.